Samsung magic could not stop iPhone lovers

By | September 23, 2013

Samsung innovation could not stop iPhone lovers love for iPhone. Apple managed to sell 9M iPhone over three days of their new product launch (iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C). I would say people love the simplicity which Steve Jobs created . Moreover new iOs7 is just skin change not fundamental change in usability as Blackberry launched with BB Z10, a whole new OS. The consistency in design, principal, methods, usability and clear cut marketing guidelines with distinct product sets Apple apart from other cell phone maker company. I am going to write a post on usability test on different smart phones soon.

I don’t like their (Apple) idea on coming out with cheaper iPhone as they think to sustain in cell phone market by introducing cheaper phones. No, they should work and invest on R & D and have breakthrough innovation as they did with 5S with biometrics features and changing the theme/skin of OS. More than 200M  people upgraded their device to iOS 7 and currently using it, and that is fastest software upgradation in history so far.

Looks like Tim Cook (CEO) is doing good job after Steve Jobs left this world. There is positive surge in share price of Apple as it is currently indexing $488. Rythm is back for Apple.

New look of iOS7.

New look of iOS7.



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