HealthMemo – Your Own Electronic Health Care App

By | August 8, 2014

Med-Memo--logo-7HealthMemo is a smart solution that you can use to upload and maintain your health records electronically. Visiting a doctor for any illness, undergoing surgeries, and buying a new insurance plan brings with it many documents in all shapes and sizes like prescription slips, medical bills, lab reports, x-rays, insurance documents and more. Maintaining all these documents is tedious and it is not possible to carry them around at all times. Digital copies (soft copies) of these documents are rarely provided by the hospitals/clinics. The app is designed to bridge this gap with the help of the ubiquitous mobile phone.


– Maintain health records as images in a secure server repository with advance encryption technology.
– Access them during any hospital visit or in case of an emergency.
– Capture and Upload the health records using the phone’s camera from within the app or choose from the phones gallery.
– Also upload insurance records, mentioning details like the plan name, policy number, maturity date and other related notes.
– Access the Medical records, modify them, add/delete more records.
– Mail the documents to yourself, or download it to your mobile phone.
– HealthMemo uses your Mobile Data or WiFi (when available).

Please install, use and write reviews. Currently this App is available only for Android phones. Soon it will be available for iPhone users. Here is promo video of Healthmemo.

Download from Google Play Healthmemo or Appstore




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